Millie Grenough



Unexpected Cure for 3 A.M. Anxiety

One of those crazy mornings. Awake at 3 a.m., thunderstorm outside, mind thrashing with things I must do today… and tomorrow… and the next day…...

What’s a Dad Good For?

my dad – used with permission  That’s my Dad, Edgar Robert Grenough. Long gone, but his spirit lives on.What was special about Dad?  When I...

Treasured or Trampled?

Credit: Paul Bloom Today’s front-page headline in my New Haven Register announced: “Fewer suicides, but younger victims.” The write-up continues: While the number of youths in Connecticut who die...

‘I’d Dig a Hole and Bury It’

Credit: Millie Grenough Last Wednesday my daughter-in-law asked her two boys, 8-year-old Jules and just-turned-5 Theo, what they did in school that day. The voices...

They’re Up! How About You?

  Credit: Millie Grenough Pretty amazing, isn’t it? Tons of snow atop them for weeks. And now these voluptuous velvets emerge. Just like that. No...

I Didn’t Keep My Promise

credit: Millie Grenough Remember way back when I promised that I’d lie in my hammock for 10 minutes at least three times a week? Well...

What Outlasts Chocolate and Roses?

Valentine’s Day pitches everywhere: on my street corner, online, in the drugstore. Makes me wonder: what is at the heart of this day? When I...

Take the Jangle Out of the Jingle Season

Finances tight? Overwhelmed by all the people you have to make happy? These days can escalate stress in all of us. They are especially difficult...

Sanity Tips for Thanksgiving Menu

Crazed with last-minute preparations? Dig into this Sanity Tip Menu for a pre-Thanksgiving shift. No charge. No tax. No reservations needed. Prep time? Two minutes. MAIN...