We were both working our way through school. I, a white kid from the West End of Louisville, he a black kid from...
photo by: Rayshon This bucket idea is taking on more reality than I bargained for. In the first three months of this year, three...
When my friend Jane received her diagnosis of pancreatic cancer stage 4, she didn’t waste any time. Jane had already lived in India, Mexico and...
Millie Grenough Author of Oasis in the Overwhelm, Coach, Speaker,Trainer. Clinical Instructor in Psychiatry, Yale School of Medicine. EMDR-Level II: specialty in Performance Enhancement How...
“Geez, I’m so tired of it. Everywhere I look — Buy her a dozen roses… Give her that diamond she’s always wanted… This year I...
by Millie Grenough Photo Credit: Plum Village Martin Luther King + Thich Nhat Hanh. When you look at the faces of these two men, what...
Millie Grenough Author of Oasis in the Overwhelm, Coach, Speaker,Trainer. Clinical Instructor in Psychiatry, Yale School of Medicine. EMDR-Level II: specialty in Performance Enhancement photo:...
photo: Millie Grenough — an old hurt? — a negative judgment of a friend? As I sat in my backyard this morning, I realized that...
Credit: Millie Grenough It’s the day before vacation. I’m hassled. So much stuff to prep and pack. As I sit on my back deck, writing...