Sometimes “not knowing everything” pays off in unexpected ways.
Example: As is our routine, Pablo and I chose dates for our hike in the Wyoming Rockies according to best coordination with Nature:
After the glaciers melt. Before the snow starts.
Bingo! By sheer luck, or call-it-what-you-wish, we will be in the 30-mile ribbon of total blackout solar eclipse on Monday, August 21. Funny. I’m remembering a song from my childhood – “That lucky ol’ sun – ain’t got nothin’ to do – but roll around heaven all day…”
Strange and wonderful to head into the wilderness for ten days. Away from electronics. Cut off from “world news.” Immersed in tangible world reality… Who knows what will happen in our time away?
Give yourself a “roll-around-heaven” Oasis right now:
– If you’re near Cape Cod, treat yourself to an Oasis massage at Oasis by the Sea in Falmouth, MA
– Dive in to the Authorized Oasis Training on September 14 at Mercy by the Sea in Madison, CT
– Indulge in the Oasis 60-second Sanity Tip below.
Oasis Sanity Tip
Facts of Life:
Sun shines. Glaciers melt. Snow falls. We breathe.
Today, take 60 seconds (at least!) to:
- Sit outside. Absorb the sun’s warmth.
- Put your hand on your heart. Feel its rhythm.
- Do one simple kindness for a) yourself, b) someone else.
Wherever you are, I send you refreshing Oasis greetings,