Millie Grenough

Can You Really Change Your Life in 60 Seconds?

Twenty-five coaches from the New England Chapter of International Coach Federation played around with doing that last Monday at the Doubletree Hotel in Westborough, MA. As they dove into the 60-second Strategies, skepticism melted into belief: “The 4-D put my mind and body into an entirely different place.” …“I felt my whole attitude shift when … Read more

What do Black Law Enforcement Officers in the USA & Health-Care Workers in Myanmar (Burma) have in common?

I had the good fortune to spend face-to-face time with both these groups this month. On March 1 I was a guest presenter at the Annual Conference of NABLEO (National Association of Black Law Enforcement Officers) in Rocky Hill, CT and had the chance to interact with inner-city police, women and men. Eleven days later … Read more